
Coffee Liqueur - Drink Secrets

Coffee Liqueur

Coffee liqueur is a fairly strongly flavored sweet liquor which is often served after a meal, but is also becoming increasingly popular as an ingredient in a wide range of alcoholic cocktails. If asked to think about an alcoholic coffee drink, most of us would probably immediately think of a hot mug of coffee blended with an alcoholic liqueur. We might even imagine it topped with whipped cream, cinnamon or chocolate sprinkles. The majority of people would think of this first, completely disregarding coffee liqueurs such as Kahlua and Tia Maria which are becoming increasingly popular.

Best Selling Coffee Liqueur Brands

Some of the most popular brands of coffee liqueur include Allen's Coffee Brandy, DeKuyper, Godiva Liqueur Cappuccino, Kahlua , Kamora, Starbucks and Tia Maria. The most well known, and indeed best selling of these brands is Kahlua. Kahlua dates back to before World War II, although it was not introduced to America until 1962. It is not only the best selling coffee flavor liqueur, but also the 2nd largest single liqueur brand in the world. Kahlua is a rich, dark liqueur made from the finest Mexican coffee, fine sugar cane, corn syrup, vodka and a hint of vanilla. The next best selling brand of coffee flavored liqueur in the United States is Kamora, another Mexican brand. Kamora is slightly less sweet than other coffee liqueurs and is made with freshly brewed coffee.

Serving Suggestions

Coffee liqueur can be served in a variety of different way depending on personal preference. It can be served straight up as a shooter, over ice, in coffee or mixed with either milk or coca cola. However, an increasingly popular way to enjoy liqueurs such as Kahlua and Kamora is as one ingredient in a refreshing cocktail. There a hundreds of different cocktails which contain coffee flavored liqueur with something to suit every taste.

Top Five Cocktails & Shooters

Some of the top cocktails and shooters which contain coffee liqueur are listed below along with all of the other ingredients you will need to recreate them yourself.


White Russian – Pour 2oz of vodka and 1oz of coffee flavor liqueur over ice and finish with some light cream


Baby Guinness – Add approximately 2.5 oz of coffee liqueur into a shot glass until it is slightly less than full. Then pour Bailey's Irish Cream carefully into the glass using the wall as a guide. This will create a 'head' like on a pint of Guinness.


Dirty Girl Scout – Mix 1oz of coffee flavor liqueur and 1oz of vodka with 1 oz of Bailey's Irish Cream and pour over ice. Pour 1oz of white crème de menthe down the center of the glass


Frozen Mudslide – Blend 2oz each of vodka, coffee flavored liqueur and Bailey's Irish cream with around 6oz of Vanilla ice-cream and serve in a tall frosted glass.


Flaming Lamborghini – This drink is intended to be drunk all in one go. Pour 1oz of sambuca and 1oz of coffee liqueur into a cocktail glass. Pour 1oz each of Bailey's Irish cream and Blue Curacao into separate shot glasses. Set the mixture in the cocktail glass alight and drink through a straw. As the bottom of the glass is reached, extinguish the flames by adding the two shots and keep drinking until finished!

Drinks with: Coffee Liqueur

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After Five

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Black Magic

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Cafe Samba

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Canadian Paralyzer

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Coffee Cooler

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Coffee Grand Marnier

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Colorado Bulldog

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Don Pedro

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Jamaican Cocktail

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Jamaican Coffee

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Mind Eraser

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Mongolian Motherfucker

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Mud Slide

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Pensacola Bushwacker

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Quick Fuck

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Sambuca Frappe drink image
Sambuca Frappe

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Screaming Orgasm

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Silver Cloud

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Toasted Almond

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Ingredient image

Cocktails using this ingredient
