
Black Sambuca - Drink Secrets

Black Sambuca

What is Black Sambuca?

Sambuca is a popular spirit these days that many expect to be ordered by people within certain Italian cultures. Sambuca, which is usually a clear liqueur, is created with essential oils including anise and illicuim, to give the sprit its very strong and predominant flavors. Black Sambuca is usually a deep blue color. To be considered as a spirit Sambuca needs to be finished as at least a 94-proof spirit.


Sambuca and Coffee


There are many different cocktails that you can order that contain the Sambuca spirit. People often add Sambuca to their coffee in order to sweeten it instead of using sugar. Sambuca is made using many essentials oils in order to give it the flavor of anise that it is so popular for. The oils that are found in the natural form of Sambuca are then added to the alcohol and a mixture of sugar and other flavors that they may want added.


Many people will drink Sambuca on the rocks, while others will add water to it to lessen the sharp taste of it. Generally people find it easier to drink Sambuca because of its sweet taste. When you order Sambuca it may also be served with 3 coffee beans in the glass that represent health, happiness, and prosperity for those who drink it.

Spooky Cocktails


There are many spooky cocktails that you can make for a costume or Halloween party and it will interest your guests to have a spooky cocktail to go along with your party theme. A ghostini will include ingredients of cream, vanilla vodka, Malibu rum or Bacardi Coco, and a splash of Black Sambuca to finish off the drink. This drink will get a streaked effect when the Black Sambuca is poured over the top of all the other liqueurs. It will create a spooky streaked effect to add to the ambiance of your party.

Drinks with: Black Sambuca

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