The company known as Allied Domecq, created in 1994 when the companies Allied Lyons and Pedro Domecq merged, had produced since Kahlúa since 1936 until Allied Domecq was partially sold to Pernod Ricard in 2005, which in 2008 merged with the Swedish company known as "Vin & Sprit" to make the largest spirit distributor in the world.
Kahlúa is described as a well known Mexican coffee-liqueur, a type of alcoholic beverage that has been flavored with coffee and added sugar, with a heavy and sweet taste of coffee. Besides containing coffee, Kahlúa also has sugar, syrup, vanilla beans and a 20-35% alcohol by volume in its list of ingredients.
There are a few different kinds of Kahlúa, all of the names beginning with Kahlúa and ending with either mocha, french vanilla, hazelnut, especial, white russian or mudslide. Depending on individual markets, the alcohol content may vary from 20-35%. However, the more expensive, high-end product called "Kahlúa especial" made in 2002 has an alcohol by volume level of 36%. Kahlúa especial used to only be offered in duty-free markets but recently became available in the United States, Canada and Australia, it is made from Arabica coffee beans grown in Vercruz, Mexico and is less sweet than original Kahlúa.
The name Kahlúa was chosen by the company originally making the product called Domecq as they tried to preserve a Veracruzan identity to the drink, the word means "House of the Acolhua people" in the Veracruz Nahuatl language spoken in the region before the Spanish conquest. Kahlúa can be used in different desserts, including ice cream, cakes, and cheesecakes, and a few different cocktails, such as the Mudslide, B-52, White/Black Russian, and the Baby Guinness are a few examples. The drink has also been known to be enjoyed in cold cream, milk or mixed with hot coffee.
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Category: Cocktails
Category: Cocktails
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Category: Cocktails
Category: Cocktails
Category: Shooters
Category: Cocktails
Category: Shooters
Category: After dinner
Category: Cocktails
Category: Shooters
Category: Cocktails
Category: Cocktails
Category: Cocktails
Category: Cocktails
Category: Timeless Classics