
Bols Creme de Menthe - Drink Secrets

Bols Creme de Menthe

Bols Crème de Menthe for the Perfect St Patrick’s Day Cocktail

An aromatic liqueur that is good for help with digestion after a meal, Bols Crème de menthe has different oils of mint leaves that are from England, America, and Morocco. The most used mint leave in this liqueur is the Corsican mint leave. The oils are distilled in order to create this clean liqueur that has a distinctive finish of mint. Bols crème de menthe comes from a Dutch distillery that is considered to be the oldest in the world.


Crème de menthe is found as both a clear liqueur and in a green color. The green color of the liqueur is obtained from the natural color of the mint leaves and sometimes some extra coloring that is added when mint leaves are not used. Depending on what you are using the Bols crème de menthe for you may prefer the colored version over the colorless or vice versa. Despite its minty flavoring, crème de menthe is actually a very sweet spirit.

Great drink for St Patrick's Day


If you are looking for a great green cocktail to make to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, in order to have a drink more unique than the regular green beers, there are some other ways to achieve a drink with green color. One of the options you have is to use some green Bols Crème de Menthe to turn your drink green and still have a delicious drink.

Drinks Using Creme De Menthe


A Grasshopper is a favorite with many people because of its minty chocolate taste that makes it taste like an after dinner chocolate or mint chocolate cookie. In order to make this drink you will use two ounces of vodka, half an ounce of crème de menthe, and half an ounce of white crème de cacao. Mix these all together and strain into a glass over ice and you have a delicious green cocktail for your St Patrick’s Day festivities. Be sure you use white crème de cacao to keep the drink the green color of the crème de menthe.


In addition to adding crème de menthe to drinks, there are also many recipes that you can add it to in order to give some extra flavoring. A popular recipe that crème de menthe is used in is the recipe for crème de menthe brownies that many people like to make in the winter or around the holidays. Also try mixing in some Bols crème de menthe into your ice cream to make a delicious adult treat.


Ingredient image

Cocktails using this ingredient
