Pimms Number 1
Pimms No. 1 is an old British liquor dating back to the mid 1800’s. An oyster bar owner back in London by the name of James Pimm put together a concoction of gin, quinine, and a mixture of some secret herbs to help those coming into the bar with stomach ailments.
He would distribute to his patrons in what they referred as tankards (our equivalent to beer mugs) and the Pimms No. 1 became a huge hit!
Still today Pimms No. 1 is as well-liked in Britain as ever before. Many Britt’s are usually drinking this popular beverage by the gallons during the long hot summer time, is a huge hit only preceded by the number one request of a cup of tea.
Once World War II ended, Mr. Pimm wanting to develop other such drinks as Pimms No. 2 (scotch), Pimm’s No.3 (brandy), Pimm’s No. 4 (rum), Pimm’s No. 5 (rye) and Pimms No. 6 (vodka), pushed for the new products to go into mass production. For many, Pimms No 1 and Primms No 6 are still very popular liquor and seems to be the drink of choice. Pimms No. 4 and Pimms No.5 have not been into production for many years. The brandy and the vodka are still well-liked.
Mostly during the summer months, some will make what is referred to as the Traditional Pimm’s No.1 by mixing a shot of Pimm’s No. 1, a slice of apple, lemon, orange and cucumber with a mint sprig in with a glass of ice cold lemonade.
Another favorite is called the Turbo Pimms No. 1 and is very similar to the Traditional Pimms No. 1 but adds five parts of lemonade to two parts of Pimms No. 1 and adds another part of a desired type of gin.