Guavaberry Good
The Guavaberry World Headquarters is located on a tiny island in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, 186 miles from Puerto Rico. English is the main language of the island and the United States dollar is the official currency, making it an ideal destination for American tourists. The Guavaberry Headquarters sits on Front Street in a townhouse that used to belong to the governor in years past and was built on the site of an old synogogue. In broader terms, it is on Sint Maarten, the Dutch half of the island on south side. The northern half of the island is owned by the French and the arrangement has been the same since the 1600's. The good people of Guavaberry are not only proud of their world-famous liquor,but also of their hot sauce and barbeque sauce. If you want a souveneer, they sell everything from hats and shirts to honey and anything you want with their old man logo proudly displayed upon it.
In the days that gave birth to guavaberry liquor, the locals did for each other as there was need and made things for each other in like fashion and so it was with guavaberry. It started as a folk liquor whose popularity grew and eventually became legend. There are even folk songs sung today about the liquor and stories revolving around it! The magic liquid is made from rum, cane sugar, and of course, guava berries that grow on the hills in the center of the tiny island.
Such a tasty drink that it needs little to be enjoyed, if anything but if you want a cocktail featuring this historic drink, there are only four recipes that are easily accessible and they are the Guavaberry Kir, the Guavaberry Royale, the Guavaberry Sunset, and the Guavaberry Colada. Do not lose heart if you were hoping for a wider number of ways to enjoy this rare treat, as its juice-sugar-and-rum recipe make it an excellent stand-in for almost any other spiced rum you had in mind for a cocktail.